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Announcement promoting First Friday event featuring a backlit photograph of a woman looking intensely at the camera with red hair and matching lipstick. Text reads First Friday at Poster House Exquisite Corpse with Jordan Seiler 1pm $15.

First Friday: Exquisite Corpse with Jordan Seiler

Friday, Nov 4, 2022

Join Poster House on the First Friday of every month for free admission and extended hours! Explore the museum’s latest exhibitions and get in on the fun by attending a tour, workshop, or activity throughout the day.  Every First Friday is different, offering unique opportunities to engage with rotating exhibitions and the permanent collection.

Join Masked Vigilantes artist Jordan Seiler for this hands-on workshop inspired by the exhibition. Participants will work together to add their own unique alterations to a poster reclaimed from the street, creating an entirely new collaborative piece of art. This is a rare opportunity to work with a contemporary public artist, many of whom choose to remain anonymous.