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A cropped poster of a Chinese woman wearing a traditional red dress with large roses, on a green background.

Collecting Chinese Posters: An Evening With Marc H. Choko

Monday, Nov 9, 2020

Poster House is thrilled to host a conversation with esteemed poster expert  Marc H. Choko as he shares his experience collecting vintage and contemporary Chinese posters.

Marc will reflect on when he first fell in love with Chinese graphic design and how he built his collection through personal connections in the country. He discusses the rapid rise of this poster market and how that impacted the field and his collecting practices, especially as China opened more of its economy to the rest of the world. Much of Marc’s incredible collection is on loan to our current exhibition The Sleeping Giant: Posters & The Chinese Economy, which he co-curated.


General Registration: $3

Members & Students: Free!

Marc H. Choko is a professor, author, lecturer, and exhibition curator in the field of poster and graphic design. He is a professor emeritus at the School of Design of Université du Québec à
Montréal, where he taught from 1977 to 2018. He was director of the Design Centre from 1999 to 2008, and a research director at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) Urbanization, Culture, and Society from 1985 to 2005. He holds a baccalaureate in Architecture (1973) and a master in Planning from University of Montréal (1976), and a doctorate in Urban Studies from Université Paris VIII (1981).