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Announcement promoting an event featuring a poster with white, cut out

First Friday: What is Paradise? Workshop with Ghost of a Dream

Friday, Dec 2, 2022

Join Poster House on the First Friday of every month for free admission and extended hours! Explore the museum’s latest exhibitions and get in on the fun by attending a tour, workshop, or activity throughout the day.  Every First Friday is different, offering unique opportunities to engage with rotating exhibitions and the permanent collection.

Join Lauren and Adam from the collaborative team  Ghost of a Dream for an afternoon of brainstorming and creation. Get to know their techniques and thought processes behind their series Falling From Paradise, featured in  Masked Vigilantes on Silent Motorbikes. Then, head back to the studio space to workshop ideas about the concept of paradise, cutting those ideas into/out of Ghost of a Dream’s collection of vintage travel posters. No experience necessary; just come and have fun.