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A cropped movie poster of a super heroine with a red and blue uniform flying over a city skyline.

Free Community Day

Saturday, Feb 1, 2020

Join us on this special Saturday and explore all of our shows free of charge!

As an added bonus, we will be offering a variety of special programming throughout the afternoon, including:

—Live performances of African drumming and dance by Legacy Arts Ensemble at 3:30 and 6:30pm in honor of Baptized by Beefcake: The Golden Age of Hand-Painted Movie Posters from Ghana

—Complimentary button making for all ages from 1-4pm in our Children’s Exhibition Area, featuring poster imagery from 2020 InSight: Posters from the 2017 Women’s March

—Live DJ Set by DJ Zsa Zsa at 5:30pm

—Drink specials at Café des Affiches

—On-site discounts in our Shop