Genius On Display: Johanna Toruño of The Unapologetic Street Series
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Genius on Display continues at Poster House, featuring Johanna Toruño of The Unapologetic Street Series. Genius on Display is a platform for spotlighting the expertise of racialized artists and designers within the context of Poster House’s exhibitions and permanent collection. Join us as Johana shares their beautiful and impactful posters and compares their use of floral imagery to that of Ethel Reed: I am My Own Property.
Johanna Toruno is a Salvadoran-born migrant artist and creator of The Unapologetic Street Series focusing on the importance of storytelling through accessible art in a public spaces and the importance of queer folks in the arts.
This program series is presented by CMYK Council, Poster House’s working advisory board of BIPOC creatives, designers, educators, and museum staff.