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A headshot of an Asian person smiling with their head tilted upward wearing white glasses, a white baseball cap, and a white t-shirt with a variety of yellow, pink, and red shapes made into faces, on a red background.

Genius on Display with Zipeng Zhu

Friday, Apr 21, 2023

Poster House is thrilled to welcome the talented multi-hyphenate Zipeng Zhu for a Genius on Display artist’s talk. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from the prolific designer about his expansive practice and distinctive visual style. Questions are strongly encouraged!

Zipeng Zhu is a Chinese-born artist, designer, art director, illustrator, and animator in New York City who wants to make every day a razzle-dazzle musical. His clients include Apple, Adobe, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Twitter, Netflix, New York Times, The New Yorker, MTV,  and Samsung. He was one of the Art Directors Club Young Guns 13 winners and has been recognized as Print magazine’s New Visual Artist and The One Show Young Ones. His work has been exhibited all over the world, including New York, Barcelona, Dubai, Mumbai, Shanghai, Beijing, and other major museums and institutions. Now he runs his creative practice Dazzle Studio, and gift shop, Dazzle Supply, to push dazzle life to the next level.

This program is presented in-person and live-streamed for our virtual audience.