Hardcover Bookbinding Workshop
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In this hands-on workshop, students will make a one-hundred-page hardcover sketchbook from scratch. Over two days, we’ll learn how to sew multiple signatures to create a page block and make a cloth-covered hardcover binding. This bookbinding technique can be used to make a range of books in different sizes and shapes with a huge variety of cover styles.
Brent Nakamoto is a Queer, Japanese American, and Buddhist artist with a background in painting and drawing, printmaking, photography, and book arts. He received his BA in Art from UC Santa Barbara in 2012 and his MFA in Visual Arts from the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis in 2018. He currently lives and works in Pittsburgh, PA. He is the Program and Marketing Coordinator for Brew House Arts, a nonproft arts organization, where he manages the Distillery Emerging Artists Program.
Accessibility Note: Masks and clear masks are available free of charge at the museum. Assistive listening devices and stools are available. ASL (American Sign Language) interpretation or a CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) is available upon request. Please contact access@posterhouse.org or (914) 295-2387 to request interpretation services and to address any other accessibility needs. For other event-related questions, please contact info@posterhouse.org.