The Gay Agenda: Homoeroticism in Communist Propaganda
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2021
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So many Communist propaganda posters feature men holding hands, kissing, or clutching each other in a passionate embrace—all to symbolize the great bond between men of different cultural backgrounds unified under Communism. But what if the artists behind these posters were just creating the least-subtle depictions of a gay utopia?
Scholars have long pointed out the overt homoeroticism present in these images, and tonight Poster House is bringing together two experts in the field to tease out the histories and interpretations of these iconic posters. Join Chinese-born designer Zipeng Zhu and film historian Bader AlAwadhi as they guide us through the provocative, campy, and incredibly homoerotic imagery of Communist propaganda.
Cocktails and loungewear recommended. All are welcome.
Note: This event is geared at mature audiences and will include sexual content.
Zipeng Zhu is a Chinese-born designer, art director, illustrator, and animator in New York City who wants to make everyday a razzle-dazzle musical. Now he runs his creative practice Dazzle Studio and gift shop Dazzle Supply to push dazzle to the next level.
Bader AlAwadhi is a Kuwaiti-born New York-based artist and marketing professional. His latest film