For the Love of Posters
.There are many different kinds of love in this world, and even more ways to show it. In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’ll examine six posters that speak volumes about the human condition and our endless hunt for romance.

Andy Boy Broccoli by an unknown artist, ca. 1980
Commonly known as “puppy love,” this sort of childhood crush is perhaps the first type of love any of us feel. And what’s more romantic than a little boy giving his playmate a bouquet of broccoli?

Theatre Comic de Barcelona by an unknown artist, ca. 1930
We’ve all seen those movies where you take off a girl’s glasses, put her in the most revealing outfit possible, teach her a come-hither stare and then magically the high school quarter back realizes she’s not just a nerd – she’s a sexy nerd! All dressed up and trying too hard, this type of love is more performative than we’d like to admit – a Victoria’s Secret runway show come to life. But, if it’s your thing, you can at least look really really good doing it.

Ehrenschuld by Josef Fenneker, 1921
Not too long after that, you’re a sophomore in college, and you meet this amazing guy in your poetry class. Like the man in this poster, one woman is just not enough for him – so you agree to try the whole polyamory thing so as not to be accused of being closed-minded. Like the film this poster advertises, though, that doesn’t end well. We’re not saying someone dies, but…..it’s not pretty.

Chambord by E. Pinrrido, ca. 1900
After non-monogamy guy, you’re looking for something a bit more stable. And this new fellow is all about you: he writes you love letters, sends you flowers, waits outside of class for you, waits outside of your home for you, got your name tattooed on his arm……crap, he’s a stalker. Time to let this one down easy (or file a restraining order) and move on.

Windsor’s Apachen Tänze by Josef Fenneker, 1921
You think you’ve got it together by now, but of course, you don’t. You tell your friends that this new boyfriend is “misunderstood” – they see him more as “creepy” and “possessive.” But, the lovin’ is good, the dates are exciting, and you can’t quite get enough of this classic bad boy until it crashes and burns like James Dean’s car.

Kirin Beer by Hokuu Tada, ca. 1933
Finally, you realize that stereotypical views on relationships and love are a bit overrated. You start focusing on you, the real love of your life. You embrace Galentines Day with your other single-lady friends. You do you. Because, as RuPaul says, “if you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?”