March 17, 2020.
Digital PSA Posters
.Rating: G.

Rachel Gingrich
As a museum, Poster House is dedicated to providing education to our community. In this time of unprecedented uncertainty and anxiety, we are finding ways to continue that mission. One of the first impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic in New York was increased xenophobia. Poster House worked with designer Rachel Gingrich to create a series of PSA digital posters to encourage looking out for our fellow New Yorkers at this time. We will need our whole community to get through this together.
Follow the links below to download the digital posters:

Mihoshi Fukushima Clark
Our in-house designer Mihoshi Fukushima Clark created this series of digital posters to help spread awareness, alleviate feelings of isolation, and help the Asian community fight xenophobia. Mihoshi was inspired to spread positive messages after reading about the disturbing racist attacks on Asians in the news. After brainstorming with coworkers and family, she created the posters to convey what she felt are the most important messages for those who are being discriminated against: find your facts through trusted sources, help keep each other safe through social distancing, virtually support those feeling isolated, and fight viruses, not people!
Follow the links below to download the digital posters:

Bader AlAwadhi
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