AIGA Design Conference: Virtual Tour of The Push Pin Legacy
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Poster House is a proud sponsor of the 2021 AIGA Design Conference from September 20-24th.
Forget about boring museum tours! Poster House’s Chief Curator Angelina Lippert is known for her relatable, funny anecdotes and casual style. This virtual tour of our latest exhibition “The Push Pin Legacy” will explore the incredible impact Push Pin Studios had on the resurgence and evolution of American commercial illustration. Learn the origins of the iconic design studio and see many of the works that launched the careers of design legends such as Seymour Chwast, Edward Sorel, Paul Davis, and many more. Questions strongly encouraged!
Ticket holders will be able to hear her and a host of other impressive speakers on all aspects of design practice and history. This event is presented virtually and hosted by the AIGA Design Conference.