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Announcement promoting Poster House’s Second Birthday event featuring a decorative text graphic on a blue and red toned background with colorful circles drifting on top. White text reads Poster House's Second Birthday Tour of Julius Klinger: Posters A Modern Age 3pm Explore the iconic, humorous, and quirky work of Julius Klinger with Chief Curator Angelina Lippert!

In Person Tour of Julius Klinger: Posters for a Modern Age

Saturday, Jul 10, 2021

Poster House is turning 2! To celebrate our second year of poster-filled exhibitions and programming, we will be open free of charge on July 10! 

At 3pm, join Chief Curator Angelina Lippert for an entertaining tour of Julius Klinger: Posters for a Modern Age, on loan to us from the Wolfsonian in Miami Beach, Florida. Get an in-depth look at  the iconic, humorous, and quirky work of Julius Klinger, and learn how his posters shaped modern advertising.

Note: Covid safety protocols, including social distancing and masks, will be enforced throughout the day. Guided tours are offered free of charge but must be reserved in advance to ensure we comply with all safety regulations.