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Announcement promoting an event featuring side by side cropped posters of a man gazing intently with a red five overlaid on his top hat, and a woman reading a book on an orange floral background. Text reads Poster House Members Preview Day February 24 10am to 6pm.

Members Preview Day

Thursday, Feb 24, 2022

Poster House is thrilled to welcome Members and their guests for an exclusive preview of the museum’s latest exhibitions The Utopian Avant-Garde: Soviet Film Posters 1920s and Ethel Reed: I Am My Own Property. Enjoy early access to these exciting shows before they open to the public, and enjoy special Member benefits all day long—including 20% off in the Shop and Café. Tour capacities are limited, advanced registration is required; Membership cards will be checked upon entry.

1pm Curatorial Tour of The Utopian Avant-Garde: Soviet Film Posters of the 1920s 

Join Chief Curator Angelina Lippert for a tour of this blockbuster show. Explore the highs and lows of the golden age of Soviet graphic design with one of the foremost experts on poster history. 

3pm Design Exhibition Tours with Isometric Studio 

Ever wonder what goes into making a museum exhibition? Join Isometric Studio for an in-depth tour on how they designed Poster House’s two new shows, taking    inspiration from the posters to create  engaging and unique installations.

This event is in person at Poster House, with masks required. Poster House operates in compliance with the Key to NYC mandate. All museum visitors older than 5 must show proof that they have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination records and IDs will be checked upon entry. Proof of vaccination may include:
Valid ID includes your name accompanied by a photograph such as:
  • Driver’s license
  • Government ID card
  • IDNYC card
  • Passport
  • School ID card