Poster Kids: Push Pin and Play
Related Events
Join Poster House on the last Sunday morning of every month, from 10:30am–12:15pm for a family-friendly, interactive poster tour and a related art-making experience at Poster House. Admission is free; advanced registration is required.
This program invites children 5-11 years old and their adults to collaborate (siblings are welcome!). This is not a drop-off program.
Push Pin Studios was responsible for introducing the playful visual language of 1950s and 60s illustration to advertising. Join us for an interactive virtual tour of the current exhibition The Push Pin Legacy to discover what it means for a poster to be playful. Then, apply some of the techniques we discover as we make fun watercolor drawings of our own.
Not ready to join us in person? Sign up to participate virtually from 9:15-10:15am here.