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Announcement promoting an event featuring three cropped posters of a green Uncle Sam, a woman standing in front of a cruise ship donning a straw hat, and a mysterious looking man with a bowler hat.

Pushing the Envelope: An Evening With Push Pin Legends

Thursday, Sep 23, 2021

By the mid 1960s, Push Pin Studios had established itself as a disruptor in the design and advertising industries. Its eclectic graphic style and rejection of modern minimalism set the group apart from other agencies, cementing its place in design history. Over the past 60 years, nearly 100 designers, illustrators, artists, and support staff have passed through the studio, many legends in their own right. Poster House is thrilled to welcome four distinguished alumni of Push Pin, all legends in their own right, for an evening of conversation about the iconic studio and its many contributions to shaping modern design. Get the behind-the-scenes scoop on the inner workings of Push Pin and hear what made it so impactful straight from the mouths of those who helped build its incredible reputation. Featured speakers will be Seymour Chwast, Myrna Davis, Paul Davis, and Jim McMullan, moderated by Phyllis Feder (aka Flood).

This event is in person at Poster House, and a recording will be made available on our vimeo page for our virtual audience. Poster House operates in compliance with the Key to NYC mandate. All museum visitors older than 12 must show proof that they have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination records and IDs will be checked upon entry. Proof of vaccination may include:
Valid ID includes your name accompanied by a photograph such as:
  • Driver’s license
  • Government ID card
  • IDNYC card
  • Passport
  • School ID card